Mastered By The Text

Desiring merely to master the text is not enough; we must desire to be mastered by it. For one day we will give account to the one who says, 'These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word' (Isa 66:2). 
~ DA Carson*

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Studying theology one day, I came across the above quote written by DA Carson. And I asked myself, "Do I really allow the Bible to master my life or do I read it like a personal advice book from God?"

You see, I believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. It is God written.  It is Truth.  But I recognized that there was a conflict between my feelings and my head knowledge.  I can feel a certain way about God, about what I want Him to say, or what I think He is saying, but my feelings have absolutely no impact on what God has already said.  The Bible is not my personal advice book.  The Bible is a story about God - about Jesus.  There is one Truth, one message behind each passage of scripture, one right interpretation.  And I must study hard and dig down to that Truth.  This book and its messages were not written solely for me.  The Bible was written for all people.

How many Bible studies incorporate the question, "What does this passage mean to you?"  Does that question reflect a person who desires to be mastered by the Word of God or who desires to control the message?  How could asking about our feelings regarding the Bible passage lead us astray?

Everyone is at a different place in their relationship with Christ.  Some have been saved a very long time, others are new believers.  But we all must approach God's Word with a sincere and submissive heart.  We must long to understand the message as God has written it and work to apply that message appropriately in our lives.

When we study God's Word and submit our lives to the text, we will be better equipped to share God's love and spread the Gospel to a lost world. 

