The Beginning

Looking for a women's ministry that helps you grow closer to God?  A lot of women are.  And there are certainly plenty to choose from!  They are splashed all over my facebook on a daily basis.  And if I can't find the right one there, many more are advertised in church programs, women's retreats, and other online ministries.  Flowers, farm tables, feelings.  Meetings, gatherings, online discussions.  Head shots of women beautifully adorn webpages, books, and ads.

Perhaps it is just me, but I really don't fit into this group.  First, I don't have a farm table or fresh flowers.  I suppose I like coffee, but I just started drinking it 3 years ago, and couldn't discern between a good or a bad cup.  I don't have a lot of time to socialize, I loathe shopping, and I'm not very good at small talk.  So, I cannot figure out how to fit into these women's ministries.  A few of my friends strive to be the next Beth Moore, Lysa Terkeurst, or Ann Voskamp.  They have written books, started their own blogs, and speak at large gatherings.  However, becoming a women's leader isn't a goal of mine.  I'm not even sure I'm qualified.

My house is a disaster 75% of the time.  I struggle with my weight.  I wear make-up only when I need to cover my adult acne or I have to dress nicely.  I've been through a divorce.  I love my children, and though I homeschool, they eventually will all head off to traditional schooling.  I adore my husband, except when I don't.  My struggles are real.  I'm lonely a lot.  Sometimes I'm discontent.  I talk to God throughout the day, and I wonder if He considers me a problem child.  But my faith is real.  My love for God is deep.  My desire to share the Gospel is unquenchable.

I have no fun pictures or cute quotes.  Truth be told, I'm not even a fan of writing!  But for the past year I've been arguing with God about whether or not this endeavor is a good idea.  After all, I am merely a sinner, except, I don't want to be.  I want the Word of God to transform my life.  I want to strive for the Gospel.  I want my Father in heaven to lead and guide me.  I want to be like Jesus.  Maybe you do too.

So, I will attempt to share and represent the Gospel as best as I know how through this blog.  Please, don't expect anything fancy.  If you'd really like a farm table and flowers, here is a public domain picture for you to look at.
  table plant flower country bouquet gift romance romantic pink present flowers christmas decoration roses art dining decorative wooden floristry retail flower bouquet cut flowers centerpiece floral design centrepiece flower arranging
