If You Build It, They Will Come

We're building a baseball field this summer!  Not some rinky dink back yard square with plastic bases (like we usually set up), but an actual regulation little league field.  I realize this is not normal, but being the athletic family we are, this field will get use for many years to come.  In fact, I anticipate we'll be playing ball with our grandkids at all our family reunions!

We also have other construction plans for our property.  The kids constantly ask what we'll be building next.  We're not particularly wealthy, but we have big dreams, and we save up for our projects.  However we realize that our money is not our own.  Our property, our playground, our home belongs to the Lord.  And we talk about what God wants us to do with the blessings He has given us.  Should we host a missionary family who is home for a few months?  Should we invite the neighbors to enjoy in our abundance?  Can we transform our school room into a Bible Study room during the summer?  How can we serve God and share in His goodness with those around us?

We didn't always have as much as we do now, but with whatever we do have, we can serve the Lord.  As we seek to build our dreams, we ask ourselves, "How can we use this for the Lord's purpose?"  At dinner time, we thank God for "giving us more than we deserve and more than we need" and ask Him to help us use His gifts wisely.

We may fail.  We might not always do what God wants us to do.  But we hope that no matter our financial circumstance, whether we have a lot or a little, that we will always:

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.  
Proverbs 3:9  

And next year, if you want to play ball, come on over!  We're always looking for an excuse to play! 

Green Tennis Ball in White Circular Line
