What is God's Will for Your Life?

What is God's will for my life?  These are the things I've been told and continually read from friends and Christian sources:

To serve others
To spread the Good News
To right the wrongs of society
To stay at home and fulfill the traditional role of mother and wife
To live my best life now
To earn a living and care for my family
And there are many many more.

All of those statements have good intentions, and I agree with some of them.  But if Christ were to come down in the flesh and tell me what God's will for my life is, what would He say?  What was I created to do?  I have some unique gifts which God implanted in me, so maybe His will is for me to use those gifts to His glory.  I am also a mother and a teacher, and I am convinced that I am to teach the Word of God to my children and students.  I am a person who feels great compassion toward the hurting and lost, and I believe as a Christian I am to always help those in need whenever I am able.  But what is interesting is that most Christians and non-Christians feel similarly.  Most of us, regardless of our religious affiliation, want our lives to be marked by good conduct.  So what exactly does God want from me in this life?  Why was I created?  What is His will for me?
 arm, desk, hand
Well, the good news is we actually can read God's words to us.  We don't have to do a lot of guessing.  

Deuteronomy 6:5 reads "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength."

To begin with, the love mentioned in this verse isn't a mere feeling, it is an action - one of devotion and self sacrifice.  We are to love God with every part of our being.  He comes first - before our family, our jobs, our community, our country, and ourselves.  It is easy to say, but is it easy to do?  Out of our devotion to Christ comes actions that are good - helping others, caring for our family, taking care of our bodies, using our gifts wisely, and spreading the Good News.  But if we mix up and misprioritize our lives, we are not doing the will of God.  Social justice does not come before loving God.  Devotion to our family, raising children, caring for ill loved ones, does not take precedence over loving God.  Making money, even if we give most of it away, does not supersede our love for God.  Everything we say, do, and think should flow from our love for God - which should overwhelmingly be first and foremost in our life.

Someday we will stand before Christ.  We will give account for all we have done.  I might be able to point to a few good things I've done in life.  After all, my children are turning out alright.  I enjoy teaching the Bible.  I love my husband dearly.  I give to the poor and fight for those who are persecuted.  But I hope I don't point to any of those achievements, all of which fall momentously short.  I hope, if I am able to speak, that I will merely say that I have endeavored to Love the Lord my God with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my strength.  Because that is the will of God for my life.
