Drowning is Not Fun

How do we "win" people for Christ?  How do we appeal to the lost?  What will make people walk through those doors?  Doesn't this sound a lot like a political party campaign or grass roots movement attempting to win people to their cause? As I was studying one day, I came across some youtube videos which popped up on a google search.  They appeared to answer Bible questions, but I was a bit suspicious.  Out of curiosity, I clicked to watch.  About 2 minutes in, I noticed that they were well made, articulate, fun to watch, and also Muslim.  It occurred to me that catchy Christian youtube videos aren't that unique after all.  In fact, they're similar to all the other popular youtube videos you might find.

Sometimes well meaning Christians utilize popular trends and marketing gimmicks to appeal to the unsaved.  And in an age of technology and media overload, people (inside and outside) of the church have a huge appetite for entertainment and emotional fulfillment.  But all too often we're missing the point and we've thrown away the message.

Bear with me as I tell a story.  We give swimming lessons every year at our home.  We also invite people over to swim once a week.  Sometimes our guests get a bit upset with me because I am extremely safety conscious.  But we've had people who misjudge their own (or their children's) swimming abilities almost drown in our pool.  And contrary to popular belief, drowning is silent.  It isn't a thrashing mess where people are screaming for help.  Drowning causes someone's air passages to be fully submerged underwater where they cannot call for help. 
ball, beach ball, pool
If someone is beginning to drown, I do not sit there and tell them they are just fine.  I do not start to explain all they must do in order to stay afloat.  I do not put on a show to entertain them in an effort to make them feel better about drowning.  Instead I'll either throw them a rope, or more likely jump in and pull them out.  No one, in all my years of saving people, ever complained about being rescued.  Now, people complain all the time about my pool safety rules - and yet, many still show up to swim.  I will always be vigilant at the pool.  I am determined that no one will die on my watch, and we offer lessons for the purpose of teaching people to swim and an opportunity for others to safely practice their swimming skills.

But in a world of spiritually drowning people, I will not compromise the message.  I will not try to convince people they are not drowning.  I will not give phony spiritual swimming lessons which would lead people to believe they can swim when they cannot. 

The Gospel Message is clear:  Jesus is the only way to salvation.  There is no other way.  You must understand that He is the Lord of your life and of the Universe and that one day you will give account to Him.  No amount of feeling good about your situation or your life will rescue you.  Because even if you think you can walk in the shallow parts of life, you will drown in the deep end.  And the only one who can pull you out is Jesus.

Drowning people do not need to be entertained, they need to be rescued.  In fact, if someone realizes they are drowning, they won't insist on being entertained, they'll only beg to be saved.

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Acts 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved"

(If you have more questions about salvation, please see this site: https://www.gotquestions.org/how-can-I-be-saved.html )
