I love my husband, but what he says isn't important.

I love my husband, but what he says isn't important.  That is a really odd statement, isn't it?  Truthfully, I get on my husband's nerves and he gets on mine.  But even so, I actually do care what he has to say, because I love him and I want a good marriage.  Can you imagine being married to someone who refused to talk to you?  One woman can.  Her name is Yumi.  She is from Japan, and her husband refused to talk with her for 20 years.  You can read about their situation here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4078242/Sulking-husband-went-20-YEARS-without-speaking-wife.html

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And so it is between some people and Christ.  It is very interesting when people tell me that they love Jesus, but they don't read their Bibles.  Furthermore, they don't plan to.  It would be one thing if someone couldn't read or if they didn't own a Bible.  But it is another when a Christian has a Bible, says they love Jesus, but refuses to listen to anything He has to say.  I've heard it said that Jesus and the Bible are not the same, and that you can be a Christian who loves Jesus but rejects the Word.  Except, you can't.  The Bible makes that very clear.  Here are a couple of verses we should keep in mind.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Revelation 19:13  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

There is some debate about what Revelations 19:13 really means when Jesus is called the Word of God.  Some people believe both passages refer to Jesus being the embodiment of the spoken and written Word of God.  Other scholars submit that Revelation 19:13 is a name that is only known to God.  But the truth is, you cannot separate Jesus from The Word.  You can't have one and not the other.  They come together.  Jesus is the subject of the Bible.  The story is about Him.  The words in the Bible are true.  Many of them were spoken by Jesus personally while He was on Earth.

When we pray to God and tell others that we follow Jesus, but we refuse to listen to what He has said through His Word, we have a problem. Every bit of the Bible is important.  If we love Jesus, we should want to know what He has to say.  When one person in a relationship does all the talking and none of the listening, it is hardly a good relationship.  Let's open our Bibles and take to heart what God has said.  After all, He wrote it down for us.

If you don't know where to start reading, Proverbs is an excellent place.  You can find the book close to the middle of the Bible.  May God helps us to make a habit of reading and studying the Bible.
