Waiting is Hard

Due to my lack of grocery shopping, we were out of bread, milk, eggs, fruit, lettuce, and just about every other staple in the house last week.  So Derik and I took all the kids to a local small town restaurant for lunch.  We arrived at 1:10, and didn't get our food until about 1:50.  It was a long wait for all of us.  But before we left, many people came up and complimented our children on how well behaved they were.  Derik was shocked.  Why would people complement our children for doing what they were supposed to do - wait patiently?
Fries and Burger on Plate
In a society where people expect instant gratification, many have lost, or rather never exercised, their ability to wait.  We want what we want when we want it.  If the vacuum breaks, I can go to Amazon and have a brand new one here in 2 days.  If a new movie comes out on video, we can order it instantaneously through our TV.  Even waiting more than 5 minutes in a drive through line for hot food is unusual and would prompt complaints.

Likewise, when we pray to God and ask Him to help us, to guide us, or save us from difficult situations, many believe that God doesn't answer our prayers if He doesn't answer them when we want Him too.  But God wants us to learn to wait. It shows that we trust Him to do what is right at the correct time.   Waiting reminds us that we are not in control, but God is.  Psalm 75:2 reads "At the set time that I appoint I will judge with equity."  2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that God is not slow in keeping His promises.  God already has a plan and He intends to execute it at the proper time.  We can trust that God will never be late.  We can trust that He always hears the prayers of His children and that He will answer at the appointed time.

My children were very hungry last week.  The 4 year old had to wrestle his mind into submission to keep from complaining.  I could see the struggle on his face.  I have to remember to wrestle my urge to grumble when I think God is taking too long.  Because just as we can trust a restaurant to deliver food, how much more can we trust a loving God to take care of His children?


  1. Well said, Sarah! Waiting is one of the hardest things that I do! Thank you for the reminder that God’s timing is perfect!��


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