The Gift of Love

My husband did not grow up riding horses.  I begged for a horse from about 5 years of age and after wearing my parents down, they relented and allowed me to start riding at 8.  Our different experience with horses was very evident a couple months ago when we went trail riding in Tennessee.  You should ask him about it!  (Or maybe not!)  The children and I found it highly entertaining.  We laughed almost the entire hour because Dad, the most inexperienced rider in our family, was placed upon a less than agreeable horse.  We were in stitches while Derik taught our children a few new words they should not know!  Fun times!

But even though my husband is far from being an equine fan, we own two horses.  Recently, we moved them from one barn to another so that we could do more trail riding.  These two horses have only been together for a year, but they are inseparable.  They never want to be apart and as soon as one is removed from the other, they start calling to each other. The gelding protects his mare, and the mare adores her gelding.  Our daughter is convinced they're married.   Upon releasing them into their new pasture occupied by 6 other horses, they went off together side by side, rumps rubbing against one another like they were pulling an invisible wagon.  I realized that day, that these two horses will probably be happiest together for the rest of their lives.  If horses can be best friends, they are.
animals, forest, horses
As corny as it may sound, my husband is my best friend.  I love him more than any other person in the world.  Life with him is fun and exciting.  I know he'll never leave me, and he takes his responsibilities as a husband and father seriously.  After coming out of a very bad marriage, I never knew a marriage relationship could be so good.  While Derik doesn't advertise it, I know I am his best friend too.  There is no one we would rather be with than each other. 

But to be honest, I love God more.  God is perfect.  He is good.  He is always in control, and He is so extremely patient with me.  God deserves all my love and adoration, yet in His great wisdom, He allowed us to love each other.  Christians don't usually have a hard time loving God.  But we do have a hard time loving one another.  People are imperfect.  They are hypocritical.  They fail.  They lie.  They are selfish.  They don't deserve our love.  And yet, God still tells us to love one another.  He wants us to direct our love not only to Himself, but also to those around us.  What a great gift!  God did not create us to only love Him, but to love and be loved by others. 

I am so thankful for my husband, my children, my family, and my friends.  The abundance of love in my life is more than I ever could have imagined.  It is a great gift of God.  Christians should freely share this gift of love with those around them.  It isn't my idea, but God's design.  He reminds us in Mark 12:30-31,  "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

As reflections of Christ, let us make loving others a priority in our lives (John 13:35).
