Godly and Ungodly Wives

Off the top of my head I can name over 10 marriages that are are on the rocks at the moment.  Unfortunately, there may be many more.  It may be the husband's fault.  It may be the wife's fault.  I personally don't dive in to people's relationships too deeply because that isn't my nature nor do I believe it is my business.  However, through conversations and facebook posts, I see a lot of wives speaking negatively about their husbands.

Maybe wives talk more or use social media as an outlet than their husbands.  Maybe wives find comfort in getting things off their chest.  Maybe wives think they know more than their husbands.  But it is hard for a husband to be considered a pillar of the community when their wife is constantly bad mouthing them or correcting them.  Proverbs 31:23 reads "Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land."  It is interesting that most of Proverbs 31 describes the actions of a godly wife, but verse 23 speaks specifically about her husband.  How a wife treats her husband is not only a reflection of her husband, but also the wife.
Have you met a wife who often corrects her husband - even in public?  What impression does that give you about him?  Does it make him seem capable or incompetent? Does it make him seem wise or foolish?

Have you met a wife who constantly complains about her husband?  What impression does that give you about him?  Does it make him seem loving or selfish?  Does it make him seem strong or weak?

Do you know a wife who disrespects her husband?  Do you wish you were like her or in a marriage like hers?  Or do you pitty the husband who has to live with her?

You see, even though a wife may have legitimate complaints about her husband and struggle in her marriage, there are wise and unwise ways to handle those complaints.  Gaining guidance from a close friend is wise.  Airing complaints on facebook is not.  Seeking professional counseling is wise.  Constantly correcting your spouse in public is not.  Showing respect to your husband, even when he doesn't deserve it, is wise.  Disrespecting your husband because he's hurt you is not.

A godly wife desires to have a godly marriage.  This can be really difficult when there is conflict.  But we know that the Bible teaches us that disrespecting our husbands is not only wrong, it is a sin. 
