The Day I Got Drunk

Given that I don't drink, this was an especially interesting day in my life.  I had been invited to a Christmas party for the teachers at our school.  I went by myself expecting to only stay an hour and then head back home.  The party was in a fellow teacher's home.  There was alcohol available as well as a lot of appetizers - including cheese, crackers, meatballs, fruit, veggies, and other finger foods.  I'll be honest, the alcohol was a hit with most of the crowd, but I hadn't eaten all day, so I opted for water and meatballs to try to satisfy my rumbling tummy.

Not being a very social individual, I sat off to a corner and chatted with one or two people.  However, being extremely hungry, I had multiple helpings of meatballs.  And then life, apparently, became very funny.  A fellow teacher who knew me well, approached me and asked me if I was drunk?  DRUNK?  I very happily explained to her that I wasn't drinking.  In fact, I never drink, so I couldn't be drunk.  I was just having a really good time.
At this point, I became the talk of the party, because everyone knew I didn't drink and yet, virtually everyone was convinced I was drunk.  After a 5 minute investigation into what I had been consuming, the meatball maker was identified and questioned.  She informed the party that indeed she had put a lot of white wine in the meatballs, but it shouldn't matter because alcohol cooks off - EXCEPT when you put it in a crock pot!

Long story short - I got drunk on meatballs.  Thankfully I was with a friendly crowd who got a great laugh out of it and made sure I arrived home safely.  But the moral of the story is a bit different.  (And no, I'm not referring to Proverbs 23:20, which makes me laugh every time I read it, because it is almost as if God warned me about those meatballs!)

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."  Many people think I choose not to drink because I think it is sinful.  I actually do not believe the Bible says drinking alcohol is a sin.  If that were the case, then Paul would have been advising Timothy to sin, and I'm confident he would not do that.  I choose not to drink, because I value a sober mind - a mind that is disciplined and able to keep my thoughts and actions in check.

I realize that many use alcohol as a form of escape or release.  Many members of my family drink - mostly to "unwind."  However, drinking never solves our problems.  It may be fun.  It may feel good.  Some people may even like the taste of it.  And while I may be a very happy drunk, I'm not happy that I got drunk.  Now, I can be a good sport, because the situation was highly ironic and completely unintentional.  But there is no real freedom in alcohol.  Actually, it is more of a trap.

When our mind is inhibited, how can we be sure we are serving Christ with what we say and do?  The devil is always looking to trap us.  He uses all kinds of techniques and temptations.  The Bible is clear that drinking to excess is sinful.  It does not honor God, and all sin is harmful.  It doesn't matter how we rationalize consuming alcohol, once you start drinking you put yourself on a potential path to get drunk.  Personally, that is a path I do not want to flirt with.
