New York's Reproductive Health Act

If you read any kind of news today, you know that New York passed a new bill which allows abortion up until birth.  Yes, there are some stipulations, but most of those hang on the word "health," which can be defined just about any way you like in order to do anything you'd like.  Let's all be honest.  Delivering a 8lb dead baby has the same ramifications on the mother as delivering a live 8lb baby.  I know of NO situations where late term abortions save the mother's life.  But when a person argues from a false premise, they can claim moral high ground and subsequently weave together a tale that their opponents are advocating for the death of mothers.  It is all preposterous.  If we wrote mathematical proofs this way, the world of math would collapse in a day. 

So, what do we do?  As Christians who believe life begins at conception and that all life is valuable, how do we shine our light in a dark world?  I saw major ministries declare, "Now is the time to fight!"  I have many friends sharing their outrage all over social media.  We have some people advocating prayer, boycotts, protests, etc.  Others want to take the matter up in the courts.

But here I am in rural Michigan - no connections to media, no political influence, no platform from which to shout, and almost no one who cares what I have to say.  Will shouting help me?  Will boycotting New York help me? (No, I've never been there so they don't miss me anyway.)  I could stand in the middle of my driveway outside during this snowstorm and protest, but my neighbors would just think I was nutty.  Yes, I can pray, and will.  But what more can I do?  What does God want me to do?

This might not seem logical, but I believe He wants me to befriend those with whom I disagree.  Over the past 20 years, I have made Jewish friends, Hindu friends, Buddhist friends, and Muslim friends.  I also am friends with quite a few people who disagree with me politically.  I  have friends from Mexico, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. And while we have many differences, I care for them.  And we talk.  Apparently, my husband does the same with his friends.  One day he was talking with a Mexican immigrant whom he knows pretty well.  I asked him what they were talking about for so long.  He told me, "The wall."  "WHY???" I asked.  He said, "Well, why not?"  You see, it didn't matter in my husband's mind where his friend stood politically, they were still going to be friends.  And they both believed that two rationale adults can and should talk about the events of the world.

I tend to steer clear of politics, but not matters of faith.  I really love to talk about Jesus.  I love to tell His story.  While there are certainly some people who identify as Christians and pro-choice, there are many more who do not know Christ and honestly do not believe that God is the author of all life.  Will screaming and yelling at them change their mind?  Will protesting and boycotting turn their hearts?  I'm not convinced it will. 

So, I'd like to challenge you.  If all your friends are pro-life and everyone is agreeing with you in your outrage, make more friends.  Expand your circle of influence.  Listen to people who don't agree with you.  Learn about their families, their jobs, their passions.  Love them because they reflect the image of God, and as you build relationship with them, teach them about God's Word.  If you listen to them and honestly care for them, chances are they will honestly listen to you too.   And through this, their hearts may change.

Matthew 5:43-45 reads,  "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven."


  1. I am guessing you have no clue who I am and that is alright.
    Shelby Road is growing.
    I also do not fit into the modern era of women ministries, do not believe I ever will and have long ceased trying. Each of us have our own step to take and the step you have taken with your "challenge to respond similarly", was far from the normal Christian view. I must say, it was kind of like an extremely well written, breath of fresh air. Thank you.

    1. I'm sorry, I might not know you. I have been at SRBC for almost 7 years, but I prefer to stay in the background so you won't find me at many social events. However, if you'd ever like to introduce yourself, I would be happy to meet you! Many Sundays you will find me teaching the college ABF. Please say, "Hi," if you get the chance!


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