Momo - A Christian Perspective

My children have limited access to the internet, and yet they heard about the Momo phenomenon meant to scare children.  I decided to watch it for myself so that I knew exactly what was out there.  Essentially Momo is a demonic girl looking figure which hijacks certain youtube videos, apps, or online games, presents herself in front of a hypnotic screen, and tells children specifically how to self harm or commit suicide.  Then Momo "gently" threatens them if they don't do it.  Loosely based off of a more recent Japanese sculpture, wicked people have been using this image to terrorize and harm children.  I did not allow my children to watch the video clips, but I did allow my kids to see a picture of the image under my supervision.  They were scared by the image alone.  And then we talked.
My more rational and analytical children understood when I explained what wicked people were attempting to do.  They understood how to stop the program if the image were to ever appear on any of their screens.  Having been trained to doubt much of what they see in cartoons and commercials, my children already believed that most things on TV lie to them. So it was fairly easy for them to accept that this computer generated program was just an extension of all the other lies and propaganda thrown their way.

But my more emotional children struggled.  They struggled with the fear of where she was coming from and if she truly had the ability to get them in their sleep.  They didn't believe they would have the ability to shut off the screen if she had hijacked it.  They worried that perhaps she would come to life out of her computer program and harm them.  They doubted that anyone had the power or ability to save them. Then, I saw my opportunity and realized what the devil had meant for evil, God meant for good.

Good from Momo?  That does seem far fetched, but in that moment of terrifying fear, a specific child and I had the most important conversation of our lives. Who saves us?  Who has ultimate authority in this world?  Who governs the wind, the waves, the planets, and the internet?  Who decides how far Momo can reach and where this program must stop?  God and God alone.  For those who love Christ, He protects us.  He calms us.  He guards our soul.

We talked about the spiritual battle between God and the devil.  We talked about angels and demons.  We talked about humanity and salvation.  We talked about surrendering to the most powerful and loving God we could ever imagine.  And we talked about turning to God or from Him in our times of distress.

At some point in time, we will all be thrust into a situation we cannot control.  We may be afraid.  We may understand that we cannot save ourselves.  We may recognize that our destiny lies in the hands of God and God alone.  And at that point, we must ask, "Can we save ourselves?"  If we cannot, to whom do we turn?  I could be wrong, but I believe that what the devil meant for harm in my children's lives, God has used for His glory.  In fact, it could have been the catalyst for one of my children to finally decide that he needs Jesus.  And for that, I am very grateful.

In the Bible we learn that after Joseph was sold as a boy into slavery and a seemingly hopeless situation full of fear, he grew up and recognized that God ordained all things for His purpose and good.  So he said to his wicked brothers:
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
 Genesis 50:20
